1. Paragraf 4,
Judul buku Akuntansi, Halaman 31.
Piutang Dagang
Piutang dagang adalah tagihan perusahaan kepada pelanggan, sebagai
akibat adanya penjualan barang atau jasa secara kredit, dimana tagihan tidak disertai
surat perjanjian yang formal, akan tetapi karena adanya unsur kepercayaan dan
kebijakan perusahaan
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Paragraph 4 , Title of Accounting , Page 31.
Present tense
Account receivable is a company's bill to the customer as a result of the sale of goods or services on credit, and the bill is not accompanied by a formal letter of agreement but by trust and company policies.
Account receivable is a company's bill to the customer as a result of the sale of goods or services on credit, and the bill is not accompanied by a formal letter of agreement but by trust and company policies.
Past tense
receivable was a company's bill to the customer as a result of the sale of
goods or services on credit, and the bill was not accompanied by a formal
letter of agreement but by trust and company policies.
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